


Dr. Steve Bond
Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Keppel Street,
London WC1E 7HT
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>>> "Pete MacKichan"  29/11/99 22:47:17 >>>
> It would seem to me that there is a problem here. If the messages are 
> really of interest to the members of four or five different mailbase lists
> then there would seem to be a good argument for merging those lists.
> If the messages are not relevant to the lists they are posted to, it would 
> seem to be a good idea for the different mailbase lists to discourage 
> inappropriate cross posting.

I would have to disagree with Pete here. I recently posted a question, about  computer-mediated conferencing for distance-based students, on three lists: teaching-online, nls-forum, and distancelearn-research. It seems to me that the topic was very much valid for all three lists. At the same time, you couldn't consider merging those lists. "Teaching online" encompasses NLS (networked learner support) but the latter is a big enough subject to merit its own discussion. Meanwhile distance learning research need not have anything to do with computing.

The worse that could have happened is that the few people who are on all three lists got my message (and the resulting discussion) three times. Is that really so bad? Surely a few extra short text messages aren't going to make anyone's mailbox explode?

But I do agree that inappropriate posting should be discouraged, whether it's to one group or to many.

(PS Please don't read this as a flame, I just want to express a contrary view).

