

The great Primo Levi published a number of translations into Italian.  Most
of them were of poems by Heine, but there were two from English, both to me
rather surprising choices.  One was the ballad of Sir Patrick Spens (well,
sort of English) -

A dieci miglia da Aberdour
E fondo cento piedi
E laggiu dorme Sir Patrick Spens
Con i suoi cavalieri.

The other is RK's L'envoi from Rewards and Fairies

Sulla via vecchia, la vis nostra, la via del largo,
Stiamo sulla longa rotta, la rotta che e sempre nuova.

My admiration for Levi as an author and as a man is unbouded, but I don't
think these translations are his best work.  Nor, I think, would he.

Michael Healy
