

Hi World!

Quite a few folk have been trying to suspend their mail by sending 
the message to the PHYSIO list.  This is not going to work.  Such 
command  messages (like suspend, resume, leave etc) have to go 
through the Mailbase system address as follows:

To:     [log in to unmask]
Subj:  [sus]or [res] or [leave]
   suspend mail physio
   resume mail physio
   leave physio

If you are in any doubt, then check the PHYSIO WWW pages at:



Heather Upfield,  List-owner PHYSIO Mailbase,               
Physiotherapy, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
Duke St, Edinburgh, EH6 8HF, Scotland, UK 
email: [log in to unmask] OR
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone:+44 (0) 131 317 3641 Fax:+44 (0) 131 317 3815
