

I know that there are many useful websites out there to calculate easterdates
and feastdays, but I still use, to my great contentment,
Grotefend, Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung. It gives a good calendar with all
the easterdates and related feastdays. Highly recommended.


Frans van Liere
Department of History, Calvin College
3201 Burton Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

>>> Bonnie Blackburn <[log in to unmask]> 10/21/99 05:18AM
>OCULI is the third Sunday in Lent; these Sundays are often named after >the
Introit at Mass.

Bonnie Blackburn
>     "Am Samstag nach Oculi (16.iii.)1420"
> Having checked already the mailbase offerings
> for the Feastday of 16th of March and found 
> nothing that to my knowledge would tie in with
> this particular discription, I wonder whether
> you have any idea of its significance and to 
> whom or what OCULI might relate here. 
