

Today, 14 October, is the feast of ... 

* Callistus or Calixtus, I, pope and martyr (c. 222) 
- as a youth (and slave), he worked in a sort of bank, and lost the 
money deposited with him 
- after many adventures, returned to Rome and was elected pope, 
whereupon he was attacked by St Hippolytus for believing, inter alia,
that  commission of mortal sin was not in itself sufficient reason for
deposing  a bishop 
- according to some, he died after being thrown down a well during a 
popular uprising 

* Justus or Juste, bishop of Lyon (c. 390) 
- after calamitous events in Lyon, he furtively went to Egypt, living 
in a monastery until his death 
- his feast is mentioned on five different dates in the Hieronymianum, 
proof of the spread of his cult 

* Manechildis, virgin (sixth century?) 
- like herself, her six sisters are also venerated as saints in 
different parts of Champagne 

* Angadrisma or Angadreme, virgin (c. 695) 
- she asked God to make her so ugly as to make marriage 
impossible; her request was followed by becoming a leper 
- but, when she took the veil, her leprosy disappeared, and she became 
even more beautiful than before her illness 

* Burchard, bishop of Wurzburg (754) 
- left Wessex to become missionary in Germany, where he became first 
bishop of Wurzburg 

* Dominic Loricatus (1060) 
- he became a priest after his parents gave the bishop a present of a 
goatskin; hearing this after the fact, he was so remorseful that he 
escaped to the Apennines and lived as a hermit 
- eventually joined community of Fonte Avellana, governed by Peter 
- into pain, he wore a coat of mail next to his skin (hence his
nickname),  wore chains on his limbs, and flagellated himself more than
did most other  people 
- died while singing Prime, on this day in 1060 

And that's how it was. 

* * * * * * * * * 
Dr Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
phone: +44(0)117-928-8168
fax: +44(0)117-929-7850
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