

The SF36 is a standardised QoL assessment tool that is useful in pre and post situations.  Further info can be obtained via:
the	Medical Outcomes Trust

or Anne Bowlings texts of measuring health.
Data can be compared against national populations too, which is sometimes useful, e.g., the Welsh Health Survey, 1995, 1998

Ms Sophia Bird
Powys Health Promotion Officer (Research and Evaluation)
tel: 01874-711661  X4678
fax: 01874-711618

>>> Dr Jan Bell <[log in to unmask]> 10/20 2:50 pm >>>
I am assisting the British Naturopathic Association in initiating research 
into outcome of naturopathic treatment. The patient spectrum is very wide 
 -  similar to primary care  - and we would like to use some outcome 
measures which are well validated in this setting to measure changes in 
health status, quality of life and well-being. Can anyone advise on the 
most appropriate tools for measurement, useful contacts, or how to access 
up to date versions of the questionnaires?

Jan Bell
