

> I inadvertently posted a private comment about you to the entire list.
> It was thoughtless, tactless, and rude.

Not at all - dont worry :-)  I probably had it coming to me - even I am
beginning to wonder why I'm prepared to defend to the death  Peter Singer's
right to make a complete ass of himself. I was being thoughtless, tactless and

We'd be a strange kind of group if we didnt gossip amongst ourselves.

I think we should all confess - which of us ISNT embroiled in an offlist
"faction" , who amongst us had never had a bitchy word to say about anyone
else here?

It's always a relief to read other's bloopers because then you get to find out
what people are really thinking, which can only be helpful in the long run.

I think there are structural problems with this list which forces a lot of
issues "underground" though.

I've been thinking of starting a new kind of Disability list - something more
post-modern if you like, something to bridge the divide between academics and
non-academics - which takes as its opening premise that we are all full of
contradictions, which wont hold us to a fixed identity, that allows for both
intellect and emotion and anger and parody - that has room for people in the
disability community to address each other in a variety of different lingos
without structurally turning it into conflict when they do, that allows for
different cognitive styles. I've hit on a very exciting and clever way of
doing it... but I need some time to set it up...

> Clearly, my cognitive impairments are interfering with appropriate list
> behavior, and I will withdraw for a time.

See my other post - I hope you're not really going to withdraw, I presume
you're joking, but to take it seriously, if we cant be here with our
"cognitive impairments" where can we be?

