

0100,0100,0100Jesse, Thank you for the addvise on the list, but I was aware that it went to the list. If I was going to go into deep about my love for music I would have writen personally. I just figured others would also want to know if Mark's musical was avalible. I also enjoyed hearing about his life and the fact that he is involed in drama and I want to just say...I too am interested in such things and that as a disabled person of short stature people find my voice is 'bigger' then I 'look'. You see, because of my dwarfism people often find it strange that I can sing. I don't know why though. A big thanks for trying to help me out. ;-) Judith BSc Architectural Environmental Design S U R F A C E Salford University Research Focus on AcCessible Environments Bridgewater Building Salford University Salford, M7 9NU England Tel:0161-295-3194 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%