

apologies for cross posting

The British Sociological Association

Protest and Social Movements Study Group

You are invited to a seminar to launch the group and get social
movements analysis 'moving' in Britain. The details are as follows:

Date: Saturday 13 Nov 1999.

Place: Room E221, John Dalton Extension, Manchester Metropolitan
University, Oxford Road, Manchester.

Cost (including lunch and tea/coffee):
         Staff         stlg15  (stlg10 for BSA members)
        Students   stlg10 (stlg5 for BSA members)
All cheques to 'BSA'


10.30-11.00       Coffee and Registration

11.00 - 12.30   Mario Diani (University of Strathclyde) 
     New and Old in Contemporary Social Movements.

12.30 - 1.30:    Sandwich Lunch

1.30 - 3.00     Chris Rootes (University of Kent) 
      The Future of Social Movements and Social Movements Research 

300 - 4.15     Discussion on the future of the BSA Social Movements

Advance booking necessary for all who want lunch!!!

To book contact either:-

Nick Crossley
Department of Sociology 
University of Manchester                                       
([log in to unmask])                                         


Colin Barker
Dept of Sociology
Manchester Metropolitan University 
([log in to unmask])

Colin Barker
Sociology Department
Manchester Metropolitan University
Humanities Building, Rosamond St West,
Manchester M15 6LL, England
tel 0161 247 3439  fax +44 161 247 6321
