

                I would like to explain you a case.
                Young man (19), football player amateur. After one month without training since the end of the regular season, he began the new season with a proffessional team. The first day he took a very hard training. After it he complained of pain in lateral side of the knee. The diagnosis was tendonitis in the  tibial inserction of  m. tensor fasciae latae. He stopped trainig and began rehab treatment (US, massage). Two weeks after he was infiltarted and one week after he was able to began soft (quite soft) training.  He was increasing intensity of trainings but he always finished them with pain. Two days ago he was not able to finish the training after two days of rest. Total time since the begining is more than one month and a half. The NMR did not show any problem in the knee (meniscus,...). What do you think about it? Can you help me?
                Thank you very much.
Luis M. Barbado Mellado
        Málaga (Spain)