

Library of the Fathers - 3

Today I was able to visit the Minster Library and consult the Library
of the Fathers for myself.  I find that Gregory's Moralia in Job
occupies four voumes, viz. nos 18, 21, 23 and 31.

Vol. 18 has a preface by C.M[arriott] which says:

"For this translation, the Editors are indebted to a friend who prefers
concealing his name."

Vols. 21 and 23 have no prefatory matter.

However vol. 31 says in a Notice:

"The Editors are indebted for the translation of the text to the Rev.
J. Bliss, M.A. of Oriel College."

Quod erat demonstrandum.

The Minster Librarians, to their credit, are on the ball and give Bliss
as the translator in their catalogue.

The Supple Doctor.

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