

Has anyone on the list who uses the Exegesis SMR database software had the
same problem that I have had in searching by one period (prehistoric only)
and getting overlapping periods?  e.g. searching for Bronze Age you seem to
get Neolithic and Iron Age period sites too.
This appears to be a deliberate overlap in the start and end dates, which in
theory reflects the lack of archaeological certainty, but in practise makes
it impossible to pull out JUST the records coded as Bronze Age (whether they
really are or not!).

I would be interested if anyone has any comments or thoughts on this.

Best wishes


Bruce Howard, SMR Officer, Environment Group, County Planning Department,
Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester, Hants SO23 8UE
Phone:(01962)846736  Fax:(01962)846776 email: [log in to unmask]
Archaeology in Hampshire web site
SMR information -
