


there has been a lot of work on this subject within the UK (the Police
Research Group, ACPO subcommittees, working groups etc. involving police,
doctors and appropriate other persons) including the drafting of
recommendations based on the recorded (and sometimes unrecorded) UK
experience and taking account of the USA experience. Some of this work has
been published in police circles and I can direct you where to look/who to
phone if you contact me privately. Varying approaches have been taken in
different areas. I would caution you to be exceptionally careful how much is
said on this subject on open lists (eg acad-ae-med or emergency care
online). The only general comments I would make is that the USA experience
is very different from the UK, although military tactical medicine can be
very valuable to assess it is not the same as police tactical medicine in
the UK, and standard medical training DOES require significant modification
for the tactical environment.

please don't let me dampen your enthusiasm


richard steyn
