

A short reply to Bruce Moon:

Why this aggression when confronted with seemingly "structuralist" or
"positivist" positions? At the end of the 20th century we should have
realized that (even scientific) theories do not describe or provide a model
of some reality "out there" but rather are observations of observations.
They are perspectivist, of course, but not necessarily "ideologic" (as you
argue). And we should be able to deal with them in a pluralist attitude.
And I believe that Ken Friedman, in his definition of theory, is well aware
of this.

Especially in design it does not make sense to exclude certain important
approaches / contributions just because of some personal (ideological?)
preferences. Remarks as yours concerning Herbert Simon are turn-offs
indeed. Maybe you should reflect your own blind spots? What is so bad with
our positivist heritage? One could describe your comment (in a positivistic
manner) as a very simple stimulus - response pattern. Sorry!

Of course there can be theory about social phenomena as design. But I donīt
see the alternative of either an (impossible) general theory of how the
world IS or theories of how the world SHOULD BE. I still want to hold up
the idea of (competing) theories about how something IS OBSERVED. Which
leads to models of an (observed) reality.

What you mention is the problem of self-referentiality which is inherent in
any scientific practice but could mostly be neglected. It cannot be
neglected in disciplines as linguistics or psychoanalysis or design. The
most awkward characteristic of the subjects mentioned is that they examine
themselves in their own terms. And design theory is design. It is a model
created in communicative feedback practice (as this conversation).

This reflexive character of the project should be inherent to a theory of
design. Which leads to highly "positivist" approaches again as, e.g.
Maturanaīs theory of autopoiesis which is one of the foundations of 2nd
order cybernetics and the epistemological concept of radical

Wolfgang Jonas
