

I have just got to put my two cents worth.

I remember years ago when the concepts of affirmative action and political
correctness first came out. From what I understood, those terms were to be
taken in the spirit of giving disadvantaged groups a leg-up, a helping hand
top give them access to positions and jobs they otherwise would be excluded

But over the years, these terms have been hijacked and corrupted, and imbued
with the idea that these disadvantaged groups are being given unfair
advantage over the rest of us. That pisses me off. Because institutionalised
racism, sexism, etc are being overlooked. I think in this day and age,
"people" (and I use the term generally not specifically or necessarily, this
group), people equate economic success with equality. Witness Gays and
Lesbians. Because we have our own magazines, the odd TV show, Mardi Gras,
Pride etc, etc, etc, people think all is hunky dory, as but one example.

Or more to the point, the illusion that we have an anti-discrimination law,
will put paid to all those age old prejudices and practices against disabled
people. Not so. As became glaringly obvious from my days as a Personnel
Officer back in Sydney, Australia. The "disabled" or "disadvantaged" person
did not have the experience or enough of it. Meanwhile back in the work
place, they are the last (often enough) to be advanced - training wise, to
correct this inexperience. The taxation Office that I worked in had an equal
employment policy. Sure enough Deafies were indeed employed - more so than
any other Government department. But where do you think the majority of them
were placed? In the processing section. That is Lodgements, where they were
to open and sort and bundle and deliver these tax returns. Mere processing
work baby.

Even if you are like me, a Deafie with lots of useful hearing (with hearing
aids of course), advancement can be a bar, because of the hoary old
argument, "But how are you going to use the phone?" I have even interpreted
for a deaf colleague who was applying for a promotion in a section that DID
NOT require the use of the phone. the supervisor who was outlining the
position, brought it this argument up. I'm sorry, but the concept of
reasonable adjustment falls victim to money (there ain't none!) or We really
can't be bothered, so we will put you in processing.

The law is a collection of words. It's an ass. Not even a delectable piece
at that. let us not forget that we are human beings, with minds of our own
(wilful or otherwise). What one man intends is another mans objection (to
use man generically, pls. forgive me).

It really makes me angry when people talk about equality, yet forget or
don't think about the fact, that we are not all equal. There is no such
thing as a level playing field. Disability in what ever shape or form, even
prejudice places all sorts of barriers in the way of this level playing
field. I once had this conversation with a Hearing colleague. I was telling
him about how Deafie should get into the movies for half the advertised
price - even if they are offering discounts to all, we should get half of
that as well. He disagreed saying, that we should pay the same. I said why,
we aren't receiving the same. His reasoning was that if we wanted to be
treated as equals, then we have to do the same as everybody else. There is
no due thought given to the fact that we do not get back the same.

If this was an ideal world, of course you can then argue that the best
person for the job should be the overdoing principle. But this isn't an
ideal world. Some affirmative action needs to be in place thank you very
much. If it means a few hearing or abled people missing out on some choices
jobs, well my heart bleeds for yer.

As a Deafie, I have been insulted once too often with the spectacle of
Hearing people who hold positions of power in deaf organisations and who 1)
Do not mix in the Deaf community, 2) do not have much to do with deafness
outside their jobs, 3) cannot even sign (this is the worse of the insults).
Of course, the justification is that they have the skills to do the job,
especially if it is an operational manager, a managerial, or fund-raising
positions; and they are paid obscene salaries for status and position,
while........ Sorry buddy, if an organisation is to advocate on behalf of a
group of people, then you have to have representative of those same people
in positions of power.

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Anthony Nicholas
Deaf Man, SIGN! Productions
