

Given our recent discussions here, thought the following web sites might be
of interest. I'm forwarding from the coolest net.meta.eweekly:

The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.

Meta Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites

Recently unveiled by the Human Rights Library of the University of Minnesota
(originally reviewed in the January 5, 1996 Scout Report), this new search
engine will be welcomed by researchers and activists in human rights.
Searchable by keyword and several optional operators (Boolean, proximity,
truncation), the engine retrieves data from any or all of the 23 different
rights-related sites that users select. Interestingly, returns are presented
"as is" from the source pages (with page header, images, and unique formats)
but combined into a single results page. A test search for "Northern Ireland"
on four selected sites returned over 40 results. Direct links to the featured
databases and, in some cases, their search tips pages are also provided. [MD]

Feminist Theory Website

Created by Professor Kristin Switala of the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga and hosted by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture at
Virginia Tech University, this site is aimed at students, scholars, and
activists "interested in women's conditions and struggles around the world."
The site, which states that it contains over 5,000 bibliographical entries,
close to 600 related links, and almost 700 paragraphs of information, is
divided into three sections: Fields within Feminism, National/ Ethnic
Feminism, and Individual Feminists. The first section offers bibliographies,
links, and names of specific people working within more than 30 fields of
feminist thought and theory. The second section offers the same, but for
specific countries, organized under seven regions. The final portion of the
site offers brief biographical information, a summary of major themes, a
bibliography, and links to related sections on the site for over 80
individual feminists, listed alphabetically and identified by nationality.
This site is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in researching
particular themes in feminist thought or seeking information on feminist
communities in specific regions. [MD]

Jesse the K - Madison WI USA - <[log in to unmask]>
Do you ever get the feeling that the computer is pushing YOUR button?
