

Oh, now this sounds like a dialogue I can engage in!   First, I love the
idea that "disability" would be or is being placed along side or in the
same category as Marxism and capitalism.Is "Disability"an ideology? UMMM
I think I also would argue that there are Marxist and materialist analysis
of what disability means in terms of reserve army of labour (deaf and
developmentally disabled often used for physical work during war time much
likewomen were) and capitalist perspectives on disability and its
cost/benefit are certainly available. But to ask if disability is
somewhere on the continuum poses an epestimological and ontological
question about disability itself.  Andrew did not ask about disabled
people but about Disability.  If disability is an ideology is if left of
center? neutral? Surely the social model is  left of center, but the
rehabilitation and medical models  could be neo-conservative. I thinkthis
is an interesting discussion and would welcome comments from other list
members especially referring to disability itself as an ideology.

Tanis (Thanks Andrew!)

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On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Andrew Azzopardi wrote:

> Dear list members,
> A question came to mind that I would like to discuss;
> 'Are we correct in placing Marxism and capitalism at the extreme ends of
> the political continuum...Where does disability stand in this continuum?...
> Why?'
> Thanks for your contribution
> Andrew Azzopardi
> M.Ed. student - University of Sheffield
