

David Crouch:
>David Wood and other strange ones,

Seeing as you don't know me, it is difficult for me to work out how you
reckon I am 'strange' - perhaps I am - it is better than being normal if
you think your rude and ill-considered posting represents normality.
Perhaps you should apologise to the list...

>quite frankly this stuff smacks of
>something very strange. I find it to say the very least distasteful
>that geographers are colluding in the anti-claims against people who we
>KNOW slaughtered kids, on behalf of those who it is claimed might have
>done so,.

I put no editorial on this fowarded message, merely stated that it was
fowarded and left members of this list to judge for themselves the
validity, content etc. of the message. I get many messagesm only some of
which I foward to this list - mainly those which I believe could spark
serious discussion. The last time we had a similar debate it was because a
list member had editorialised a fowarded message with a comment to the
effect of 'I find this message believable'. I made no such contention. That
you assume my belief in this message merely underlines the over-hasty
nature of your response.

>This is ridiculous, sad, and very unhelpful to building the peace,
>irrespective of from whatever little utopias some may have wished we
>had started.

I am glad you have such a clear and simple idea of what 'building the
peace' involves, that you tell others they are 'ridiculous' and 'sad'...

>Is it simply that one lot are clothed in a false notion of Socialism
>that this endless debate persists, or is there really something genuine
>in the debate?

I have no idea what you are going on about here...

>Have a good summer,and like all those people who have experienced the
>terror, any side, get a life. A good life that seeks to help humanity.

Thanks very much, I do.


PS: Could one of the list managers, please write to David Crouch and ask to
try to refrain from insulting other members of the list?


David Wood
PhD Research Student ('Intelligence Sites in Rural North Yorkshire')
Centre for Rural Economy
Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

0191 222 5305

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