

At 08:41 AM 6/2/99 EDT, Marijim Thoene wrote:
>Dear Learned Ones,  Does anyone know the source of this
Latin quote 
>attributed to St. Chrysostom  (from a 15th c. French ms.
)??? Vere vox magna, 
>vox tube terribilis cui ominia obedui[n]t elem[en]ta, que
petras scindit.  
>Inferum aperit portas ereas frangit vincula mortuor[um]
dissoluit et de 
>perfundo abyssi aias[animas] liberatas corporib[us] suis
reddit et ad 
>iudiciu[m] ire compellit.  Many thanks in advance for any
>Marijim Thoene  

I had occasion to search for this quote several months ago
in connection with a sermon by Thomas of Villanova, and
despite many hours of effort, I could not find it in John
Chrysostom.  For what it's worth, the Villanova sermon
claims that the quote is from: "Chrysostom on this verse of
Matthew: The powers of the heavens will be shaken (Mt
24:29)."  If anyone can track down the source of this
quote, please post the answer to the list or send it to me

Stephen A. Allen
The Medieval Institute
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5692

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