

Today, 22 June, is the feast of ... 

* Alban, martyr (?) - protomartyr of the island of Britain; feast kept
on this day throughout England and Wales, except in the diocese of
Brentwood (23 June)

* Nicetas, bishop of Remesiana (c. 414) - Baronius mistakenly
transferred the commemoration, when he revised the martyrology, from
this date to 7 January; there, it is written: 'In Dacia of St Nicetas,
Bishop, who by his preaching made nations mild and gentle that before
were barbarous and savage' 

* Paulinus, bishop of Nola (431) - studied under Ausonius; of his
numerous writings, only 32 letters, 51 letters and a few fragments have

* Eberhard, archbishop of Salzburg (1164) - in the struggle between
Frederick Barbarossa and pope Alexander III, Eberhard was one of a small
number of German dignitaries who refused to recognize the antipope
Victor IV 

* Innocent V, pope (1277) - the first Dominican pope; his cult is
limited to the Dominican order 

Dr Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
phone: +44(0)117-928-8168
fax: +44(0)117-929-7850
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