

Mailbase has recently circulated list owners to remind us to remind 
you. our members, that this is the time of year when things can go 
a little awry with unattended mailboxes. A small problem for you, 
when mutliplied by the the tens of thousands of users serviced by the
Mailbase system, can become a real headache. They've issued the 
following advice and I'd be grateful if you'd take note.

John, List owner.

Going on Holiday?

If you leave your work for an extended period over summer, and
receive a lot of email messages, your mailbox may fill up, and your
email could stop working. So before you go away you may wish to
temporarily SUSPEND messages from your Mailbase lists by sending this
message to: 

	[log in to unmask]

	suspend mail all 

On your return, you can RESUME mail by sending this message to:

	[log in to unmask]

	 resume mail all 

For more information, see:

Remember, you can use the web archives to catch up on any messages you may
have missed. Alternatively you can retrieve old email archives by email.
Vacation Mailers
Some people use a 'vacation mailer' which sends out an automatic reply to
all incoming mail.
Although a correctly configured vacation mailer should never send a
message to a discussion list, nor should it send more than one message to
the same address, we have had problems in the past where lists have been
flooded by these automatic messages.
So, if you are going to use a vacation mailer, PLEASE SUSPEND MAIL from
all Mailbase lists before you go on holiday.
Leaving the list
If you want to leave this list, please send a message to:
        [log in to unmask]
with this text in the body of the message
        leave geo-tectonics
If the commands don't work
If the SUSPEND or LEAVE commands don't work, or you get an error 
message, please contact the list owner by sending a message to:
        [log in to unmask]
Mailbase Helpline
[log in to unmask]

John Whalley 
Lecturer in Structural Geology and Computer Applications in Geology
List owner - geo-tectonics
Tel +44 1705 842247                                Fax +44 1705 842244
School of Earth, Environmental and Physical Science                              
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, PO1 3QL, UK                Email- [log in to unmask]                               
