

This may be of interest, especially as it's free!


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The world now hosts over one million websites and the number of valid URLs is even greater. We all get frustrated by those outdated links. 
Now there is a new Global Directory for URL changes at . Webmasters of relocated sites should fill out the relocation form on this site, so that the URLTrackers database wi 
Anyone getting stranded on your old URL can then check for leads at , even long after your relocation page has been removed from your server. They will find your new URL in 
Use to both register and retrieve any changed URLs. 
SCIENTIFIC DATABASES may prove particularly useful for the scientific community. The essence of archiving scientific work is that research records need to be traceable and verifiable. We all know that the 
One common problem is that server use in academia is particularly unruly and databases are relocated to new URLs all the time. Although good webmasters will leave a relocation page, these are commonl 
The new Global Registry of URL changes at will alleviate this problem. Make sure your organization will register URL changes with In this manner, important
E-mail: URLTrackers@
Phone: 0031 20 3640 331
Fax: 0031 20 3640 145
PO BOX 76321
1070EH Amsterdam
The Netherlands

John Whalley 
Lecturer in Structural Geology and Computer Applications in Geology
List owner - geo-tectonics
Tel +44 1705 842247                                Fax +44 1705 842244
School of Earth, Environmental and Physical Science                              
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, PO1 3QL, UK                Email- [log in to unmask]                               
