

Dear Scholars, Any chance any of you are familiar with a rather difficult 
passage from Hildegarde?  She is quoted in an anon. French ms. and in a 
baffling way.  The ms. is discussing the fact that near the end of time, 
during the coming of the Antichrist,  people who are followers of the 
Antichrist will be sealed with his sign on their hand or forehead. The anon 
writer says that according to Hildegard 
"Lucifer from the beginning of his ruin,  will reveal to the Antichrist his 
sign , and will write them in *credules* (?) on foreheads or on the hands of 
those who will convert to him.  Where does Hildegard mention *credules*?  A 
thousands thanks for any informtion.  Marijim Thoene
