

Today, 19 May, is the feast of ...

Pudentiana and Pudens, martyrs (first century?)

Calocerus and Parthenius, martyrs (304) - Eunuchs. These 
two brothers worked in the household of the Emperor Decius. 
At the outbreak of the persecution, they suffered martyrdom 
rather than offer sacrifices to the gods.

Alcuin, abbot (804) - Great educator. Born probably at 
York. In 767 he took charge of York's cathedral school. In 
781 he accepted an invitation to take up residence at the 
court of Charlemagne whose educational and ecclesiastical 
adviser he became.

Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury (988) - Dunstan was King 
Edgar's chief adviser during the king's sixteen year reign. 
After the death of Edward the Martyr, Dunstan retired from 
political life and stayed in Canterbury passing his days 

Celestine V, pope (1296) - Butler writes: *In all papal 
history no figure is more pathetic than that of Peter of 
Morrone, the aged hermit who, after a pontificate of five 
short months, voluntarily abdicated, and died virtually a 
prisoner in the hands of his successor.* 

Ivo of Kermartin, lawyer (1303) - Patron of lawyers. At the 
age of fourteen he was sent to Paris; before the end of ten 
years there he had gained great distinction in philosophy, 
theology, and canon law. He then went to Orleans to study 
civil law under Peter de la Chapelle. In his student days 
he began to practice austerities which he continued and 
increased throughout his life. He wore a hair shirt, 
abstained from meat and wine, fasted during Advent and 
Lent, and other times, on bread and water; he rarely slept. 
Once he got his law degree, he became known as 'the poor 
man's advocate'.

Augustine Novello, Hermits of St Augustine, lawyer (1309) - 
Taught law in Bologna but gave it up to join a religious 
order. He eventually became prior general of his order, but 
resigned after only two years in order to live in a 
hermitage near Siena.

Dr Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
phone: +44(0)117-928-8168
fax: +44(0)117-929-7850
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