

When plutons intrude regions already undergoing regional metamorphism they
produce a broad aureole of higher grade rocks around the pluton. This sort
of deep seated contact metamorphism is clearly different from the high
level, hornfels producing contact metamorphism, but the former is really a
hybrid between contact and regional. It really ought ot have a name, but
I've scoured the texts at hand for one anc come up empty handed.

Can anyone out there help? Has  a name been suggested? If so do you have
the original reference?  nyone care to suggest a name?

Gren Draper


	Grenville Draper

	Feb 1999 to June 1999 on sabbatical leave at:
	Area Geodinámica
	Departamento de Geología
	Universidad de Salamanca
	37008 Salamanca

	Tel (34) - 932-294482
	Fax (34) - 932-294540

