

Perhaps those people who wish to discuss the situation in the Balkans   
could set up their own mailing list, ICQ space or IRC chat room to   
quicken the back-and-forth. By looking at the addressee list of each   
message, it is obvious that hundreds of people are getting every single   
e-mail message in this exchange despite the fact that they are   
essentially one-to-one messages.

I subscribe to the european-social-policy listserv to keep updated on   
seminars, summer schools, research opportunities etc. If it is to become   
a ten-message-per-day barrage of tit-for-tat e-mails, the service has   
ceased to serve the role for which (I presume) it was established. If   
people feel the need to send messages to hundreds of addresses at one   
(via the dreaded "reply to all" feature built into most e-mailers),   
please do me the courtesy of leaving "european-social-policy-request" off   
of the list.

Michael Jetton
Prague, Czech Republic
