

Here, as requested, are the references to medieval Passion relics, briefly 
mentioned in a few of my own outpourings:

1. 'The Flagellants of 1260 and the Crusades', *Journal of Medieval History*, 
Vol.15 (1989), pp.227-67. Column of the flagellation, pp. 240, 259-60 (extended 
end-note n.10).

2.'La genese de la croisade des enfants', *Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des 
chartes*, Vol. 153 (1995), pp.53-102. True Cross: pp. 97-99.

3. 'The Crowd at the Feet of Pope Boniface VIII: Pilgrimage, Crusade and the 
first Roman Jubilee (1300)', forthcoming in the *Journal of Medieval History*, 
Vol. 25,  part 4  (December,1999), pp. [?]. (The Roman cult of the Veronica is 
discussed, with some bibliographic notes, in connection with the inception of 
the Anno Santo.)

Gary Dickson
University of Edinburgh
