

Today, 8 April, is the feast of ...

Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth (180) - Although Dionysius appears to have
died in peace, the Greeks venerate him as a martyr because he suffered
much for his faith.

Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours (494) - During the thirty years of his
episcopal rule, Perpetuus worked hard to spread Christianity, to enforce
discipline and to regulate the fasts and festivals to be in his see. His
death is said to have been hastened by grief of the invasion of the
Goths and the spread of Arianism.

Walter of Pontoise, Abbot (1095): King Philip compelled Walter to become
the first abbot of a new monastery near Pontoise. Although, in
accordance with the custom of the time, he received his investiture from
the sovereign, the abbot placed his hand not under but over that of the
king, and said: "It is from God, not from your Majesty, that I accept
the charge of this church."

Clement of Osimo, Prior General of the Augustinian Hermits (1291) - Was
confessor to Cardinal Benedict Gaetani, afterwards Pope Boniface VIII.

Dr Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
phone: +44(0)117-928-8168
fax: +44(0)117-929-7850
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