

Dear Colleagues:

May I ask your help in identifying a Benedictine priory named Locrist.
It was held by one Yvo Lamaderii or Medent, a former Carmelite who saw
the light and transferred to the Benedictine Order. He was Breton by
birth and I presume from the name of the house that it is Breton as
well. Lamaderii was a licensed in theology at Paris in 1382, received
permission from Pope Clement VII to transfer to the Benedictines in 1385
or 1386. He appears as a Benedictine in 1398.

Any help you can give with the identification of the priory (dependency
of which abbey, what
diocese, etc) will be appreciated. I've looked in the Cottineau, the
Gallia Christiana, and the
Revue Mabillon series identifying monasteries.

Thomas Sullivan, OSB
