

My apologies on advance if what follows appears to be a 'rant', but I feel that it raises important issues about the use and abuse of lists such as this.

I feel that some of the messages coming to this list do not appear to observe what I thought were fairly well established rules of etiquette for lists.  In particular I find it irritating when following a thread to find messages that have nothing to do with the theme, and to find messages which consistently promote a particular commercial concern. I was also disturbed that one correspondent chose to use this forum to denegrate the well appreciated efforts of another named individual.  In my view these postings undermine the excellent work that a list such as this does.  Generally I find it an invaluable help and welcome the useful pointers and tips that nearly every contributor makes.

I understand that the list owner can 'unsubscribe' correspondents who abuse the lists rules.  I feel that this puts the listowner in an invidious position so do not see this as a solution.  I have discovered, however, that my email package contains quite powerful filters and have instead chosen to use this to block messages from one correspondent to the list who IMHO, seems to take advantage of this lists hospitality! In over four years 'on-line' this is the first time I have felt moved to take such drastic steps.  Perhaps others who feel similarly may wish to explore this option.

Steve Lepper
