

To my question

> > You need not be a professional automobile mechanic to do certain jobs,
> > but you still have to use appropriate tools and observe certain rules. In
> > your own best interest and that of others.
F.A. Roos replies:

> How good is the average driver in automobile mechanics?
Not good enough.
If you insist that the average metadata producer need not be better than that
at meta-mechanics, then what can we expect?

"Garbage in - garbage out" is still a valid rule of data systems.
And I'm still not convinced you can keep too much garbage from getting in by
any amount of artificial intelligence.

Bernhard Eversberg
Universitaetsbibliothek, Postf. 3329, 
D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel.  +49 531 391-5026 , -5011 , FAX  -5836
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