

DEMOCRACY and MILITARISM: Who is Defending What?

We are led to believe that the Pentagon is defending democracy. First, was
there an alternative to the Pentagon (and NATO) defense of democracy in
Serbia?  Second, can the Pentagon subvert or constrain democracy within the
Hannah Arendt warned long ago that imperialism abroad threatens democracy
at home. These quotes show that there is more to worry about than the
crimes of Milosevic.


Zoran Djindjic, the leader of the Democratic Party in Serbia and an
organizer of democracy demonstrations says, "The bombs have marginalized
any dissenters
here, and there's little we democrats can do to affect the
situation...Milosevic could be fare more easily eliminated through the
development of democracy here than through air strikes.  Every crisis
strengthens him.  The only players that matter now are Milosevic, the
Kosovo Liberation Army and the Americans." (Quoted in Steven Erlanger, "In
Belgrade, Patriotic Crowds Rally To Rock Music Under Bomb Alert,"
International Herald Tribute, March 29, 1999, page 7).   This  same report
notes Djindjic's view that "Washington has spent more on one day's bombs
than it ever spent helping the democracy movement in Yugoslavia."


"President Clinton doesn't mind taking on the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy,
but the last thing he needs just now is to open a second front against the
military-industrial complex. And that is what he was facing after the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, in a closed-door meeting with him, threatened to go over
his head to Congress to get a bigger budget. So, cleaver politician that he
is, Clinton last month signaled his support for an increase in military
spending of as much as $15 billion, or 5%, a year," Mark Thompson, "The
Generals Go Shopping: Clinton's weakness spells good news for weapons
merchants," Time Magazine, October 12, 1998, page 59.



Dr. Jonathan Michael Feldman
Linkoping University, Sweden
