

At 16:43 28/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Bill East, 
>It was good to have your comments on today's collect. During vespers I
>stumbled over a comma in our antiphoner after humano generi, and am now
>pleased to find that in fact it shouldn't be there.
>To be honest, documenta threw me rather, and I learnt something, as I did on
>so many previous days.

Thank you kindly.  I hadn't notiticed when I posted the piece that the
collect in our modern breviary is (for once) not a bad translation of the
Latin, and in fact a good deal closer than the BCP:

Almighty, ever-living God,
you gave our Saviour the command
to become man and undergo the cross, [note 'undergo' for 'subire']
as an example of humility for all men to follow.
We have the lessons [documenta] of his sufferings:
give us also the fellowship [consortia] of his resurrection.
Through our Lord . . .

Praise where it's due:  I've seen worse.

