

At 22:05 02/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Over on the classics list we've been having a little discussion about the
>venerable Bede who is often portrayed in art with a jug (looks kind of
>like a beer-stein, according to one participant in the thread).  Is it
>common to portray Bede in this way?  What is the iconography or
>significance of the jug (if any)?  I know nothing about this.

This would allude to the end of the Historia Ecclesiastica (I nearly wrote,
Elastica) where Bede says, "And I pray thee, merciful Jesus, that as Thou
hast graciously granted me sweet draughts from the Word which tells of Thee,
so wilt Thou, of thy goodness, grant that I may come at length to Thee, the
fount of all wisdom . . ."

(Teque deprecor, bone Iesu, ut cui propitius donasti uerba tuae scientiae
dulciter haurire . . .)

Bede is shown drinking the sweet draughts of the Word from a suitable beer-mug.

