

Dear All

If we are going to use attachments on the list, perhaps there should be 
ground rules !

Helen quite correctly remembered that I had posted  PowerPoint format X-ray 
images (twice) in the past,, mainly as an experiment. The file size was 100K 
or less, and should not have caused anyone difficulty with bandwidth or 
server space. The postings brought one or two compliments but no flamers, 
but I confess that I too get irritated by gobbledegook which my software is 
incapable of reading (as much because I am missing out as anything else !!).

Because many list members have lower versions of Windows and Word/PowerPoint 
etc, perhaps there should be some guidance from John regarding format and 
maximum size of attachments ? An academic list should have the capability of 
handling attachments, so I disagree with a total ban.

 After all, we aren't just a chat line.................... !! ;-)

Rob Cocks     HK
