

France, Germany and Britain - Partners in a Changing World

International Day Conference at the University of Bradford
Friday 21 May 1999

The conference is sponsored by the Anglo-German Foundation for the
Study of Industrial Society.

Conference Organisers:
Jean-Marc Trouille, University of Bradford
Mairi Maclean, Royal Holloway, University of London


9:00 - 9:30 Registration and Coffee (Ashfield Building, ground floor)

9:30 - 9:35 Welcome and Introduction (Ashfield, room To.2)
Arthur Williams (Professor in Contemporary German Studies, University of Bradford)

9:35 - 11:10 Towards a Paris-London-Bonn Triangle? (Ashfield, room To.2)
Chair: (to be arranged)

Pieter Vlieland (Federal German Embassy, Chairman of Centre for 
Europe, Surrey)
The Blair-European Union Relationship - Towards a Triangular Axis?

Frederic Charillon (Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris)
The Paris-London-Bonn(Berlin) triangle in the prospect of the European EFSP

Ingo Espenschied (London School of Economics)
A Triangle Britain-France-Germany - Is it Possible? The Relations 
between the Three Major European Powers since New Labour's Victory in May 1997

11:10 - 11:20 Coffee/tea/refreshments

11:20 - 13:00 Currency and Finance (Ashfield, room To.2)
Chair: (t.b.a.)

Kenneth Dyson (Professor of European Studies, University of Bradford)
France, Germany and the Euro-zone (provisional title)

Jacques Reland (London Guildhall University)
France, Germany and the Euro-Policy-mix - From Divergence to 	Convergence?

Christopher Flockton (Professor in International Studies, University
of Surrey)
Die Frankfurter Boerse, La Bourse de Paris and The City: Competition 
and Cooperation within a Unifying EU Financial Market

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch (Richmond Building, F floor Cafeteria)

14:00 - 15:35 PARALLEL SESSION A: (Richmond, Conference Interpreting
Suite C87)
Industrial Policy / Business Management / East Germany
Chair: (t.b.a.)

Remi Lallement (Charge de mission, Commissariat general du plan,
service du developpement technologique et industriel)
L'investissement direct au coeur du debat sur l'avenir du capitalisme 
en Europe: une perspective franco-allemande

Mairi Maclean (Senior Lecturer in European Business, Royal Holloway, 
University of London)
Corporate Governance and Management Cultures in France, Germany and 
the UK: Convergence or Conflict?

Ulrich Pfeil (Institut d'Allemand d'Asnieres, Universite Paris III, 
Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Der "Faktor DDR" in den deutsch-franzoesischen Beziehungen

PARALLEL SESSION B: (Richmond, Conference Interpreting Suite C87)
Cultural cooperation / Media
Chair: (t.b.a.)

Laurent Bazin (Conseiller culturel adjoint, Cultural Services, French 
Embassy, London)
Franco-German Exchanges and Co-operation in the Field of Education (Provisional Title)

Werner Zettelmeier (Charge de Recherches, Centre d'Information et de 
Recherches sur l'Allemagne Contemporaine, Paris)
La cooperation universitaire franco-allemande depuis les annees 1960 - Etat des lieux

John Theobald (Associate Professor in Modern Languages, Southampton 
The 1998 Federal German Elections in the British and French Press - Plus ca change?

15:35 - 15:50 Tea/coffee/refreshments

15:50 - 16:50 PARALLEL SESSION A: (Ashfield, roomTo.2)
Foreign Affairs and the New Millennium
Chair: (t.b.a.)

Dominique David (Institut Francais des Relations Internationales, 
Security and Defence in Europe

Douglas Webber (Associate Professor, INSEAD, Fontainebleau)
The Franco-German Relationship in the EU: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis

PARALLEL SESSION B: (Richmond, Conference Interpreting Suite C87)
Industrial Policy / Industrial Cooperation
Chair: (t.b.a.)

Daniela Schwarzer (Franco-German Institute Ludwigsburg)
Politique de competitivite / Standortpolitik (to be confirmed)

Jean-Marc Trouille (Lecturer in German Studies, University of 
The Franco-German Economic and Industrial Partnership - A Model for Europe?

16:50 - 17:00 Concluding Overview (Ashfield, room To.2)

Please print out, complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and return by 26 April
1999 at the latest together with the appropriate registration fee to:

    Jean-Marc Trouille
    Department of Modern Languages
    University of Bradford
    Bradford BD7 1DP West Yorkshire UK
    Tel: +44 1274 - 234575
    Fax: +44 1274 - 235590
    E-mail: [log in to unmask]

I wish to attend the conference		

I enclose the following registration fee (cheques must be payable to 
'the University of Bradford')

 standard rate	stlg26
 student rate		stlg13

The conference fee includes one meal, tea, 
coffee and refreshments, but no accommodation. 
If you wish to receive a list of conveniently 
located hotels, please indicate here			|   |

Name	.................................................................

Address .............................................................








