

>Well, Robertson's quite controversial among literary folk, especially 
  postmodern types--something about authority, I believe. But even if 
  he doesn't entirely convince, he's much more interesting than most of 
  his detractors. 

Thanks to Jim Kerbaugh.

I'm quite out of the loop, but Robertson's credentials & reputation would seem
to be confirmed & safe with a passle of "postmodern type" 
He's probably not in favor with the Semioticists, either, which would clinch

And my thanks to Otfried.
Having decided that one major difference between him and myself might be that
he actually *knows* something about this subject, and despite his usual
patient courtesy, he has shamed me into looking into the history of this
string on this list. 

Perhaps I can salvage a question or two after a bit of long-overdue

Best to all from here,


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