

The references for comparing saints with ancestors are:

Smart, N., 1996: Dimensions of the Sacred. An Anatomy of the World's
Beliefs. Harper Collins. (page 66!)
Honko, L., 1993: Ch. XI. Death: Introduction, in Honko, L., Timonen, S., &
Branch, M., 1993: The Great Bear. A Thematic Anthology of Oral Poetry in the
Finno-Ugrian Languages. (page 567!)

The main evidence for rituals connected with ancestor worship are the many
tales of worshipping dead ancestors in grave mounds, and the continuation of
sacrificing food and drink on grave mounds right up to modern times.

The main works dedicated to this are:

Birkeli, F., 1938: Fedrekult i Norge. Et forsøk på en systematisk-deskriptiv
fremstilling. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II.
Hist.-filos. Klasse 1938, No. 5.
Birkeli, F., 1944: Huskult og hinsidighetstro. Nye studier over fedrekult i
Norge. Skrifter etc., 1943, No. 1.

But there are also references to it in general works on Norse mythology,
such as:

Lid, N., ed., 1942: Religionshistorie. Nordisk kultur XXVI.
Ström, F., 1961: Nordisk Hedendom. Tro och sed i förkristen tid.
Steinsland, G., 1991: Religionsskiftet i Norden og Voluspá 65. In,
Steinsland, G. et al. (eds.), Nordisk hedendom. Et symposium. Odense
Steinsland, G. 1997: Eros og død i norrøne myter. Universitetsforlaget.

Steinsland also refers to it in several other articles.

Best wishes,
Ingegerd H.

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