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From: Andy Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Lnet: FW: new German orthography
Date: 13 January 1999 12:58

Dear Linguanet members

Recently there were some mails about the new German orthography. 

Many of the CDROM titles published by Dorling Kindersley have been localized
into German; most of these use the new  orthography. I asked our German
publisher to send me details of their relevant publications - his mail is
below. I hope this is of use to some of you.


Andy Williamson
Production Manager - Special Projects
Dorling Kindersley Interactive Learning

> Sent:	Monday, January 11, 1999 3:12 PM
> To:	Andy Williamson
> Subject:	Re: new German orthography
> Dear Andy,
> have a Happy New Year, too!
> Thank you for giving us a notice, of course we offer whole series of
> CD-ROMs in the revised orthography.
> Most of the localised DK-CD-ROMs are already, in fact!
> The DK titles in new orthography are:
> MEYER Multimedia - Das Geheimnis der Burg (WIN/MAC)	 3-411-06291-6
> 98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - 1848-1949: Ein Jahrhundert deutsche Geschichte (WIN)
> 3-411-06471-4	      98,00 DM 
> DUDEN Multimedia - Mein erstes Lexikon (WIN/MAC)	3-411-06421-8
> 98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - Naturwissenschaften neu entdecken (WIN)
> 3-411-06731-4	      98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - Meine erste Reise um die Welt (WIN/MAC)
> 3-411-06541-9	      98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - Tiere und Pflanzen neu entdecken (WIN)
> 3-411-06551-6	      98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - Weltall neu entdecken (WIN)	 3-411-06221-5
> 98,00 DM 
> MEYER Multimedia - Weltgeschichte neu entdecken (WIN)	 3-411-06561-3
> 98,00 DM 
> The complete list of titles is  below.   Some like "Konverter"
> may be very good for learning the implications using one's one texts. 
> "Wie schreibt man jetzt?" is a dedicated computer-based trainig CD for
> learning new Orthography!
> PC-Bibliothek (pc library) is a series of interoparable reference
> works,in fact, nearly all of the famous DUDEN dictionaries on CD-ROM.
> If you could post this information, we would be very grateful.
> Because the ISBN numbers are included, everybody can order the CD-ROMs
> from local bookstores. This is even easier than giving a distributor.
> Kind regards
> Hellfried
[Andy Williamson]  Here is the "complete list" mentioned above. It is tab

Titel-Bezeichnung der verfügbaren CD-Titel	Artikel-Nr.	Ladenpreis
DUDEN - Der Konverter (Transformationssoftware) (WIN)	3-411-06963-5
98.00 DM 
DUDEN - Der Konverter 2.0 (Transformationssoftware) (WIN) *
3-411-06966-x	 49.90 DM 
DUDEN - Der Profi-Konverter 2.0 (Transformationssoftware) (WIN) *
3-411-06968-6	 149.00 DM 
Wie schreibt man jetzt? (WIN/MAC)	3-411-06962-7	 49.90 DM 
Der Brockhaus Multimedial (WIN)	3-411-06901-5	 199.00 DM 
Kompakt Brockhaus Multimedial (WIN/MAC) Version 2.0	3-411-06592-3
69.00 DM 
LexiROM 3.0 (WIN)	 3-411-06935-x	 249.00 DM 
LexiROM Update 3.0 (WIN)	 3-411-06938-6	 149.00 DM 
LexiROM 4.0 (WIN) *	3-411-06936-8	 249.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Das Geheimnis der Burg (WIN/MAC)	 3-411-06291-6
98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - 1848-1949: Ein Jahrhundert deutsche Geschichte (WIN)
3-411-06471-4	 98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Das Flaggschiff des Königs (WIN)	3-411-06741-1
98.00 DM 
DUDEN Multimedia - Mein erstes Lexikon (WIN/MAC)	3-411-06421-8
98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Naturwissenschaften neu entdecken (WIN)
3-411-06731-4	 98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Meine erste Reise um die Welt (WIN/MAC)
3-411-06541-9	 98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Tiere und Pflanzen neu entdecken (WIN)
3-411-06551-6	 98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Weltall neu entdecken (WIN)	 3-411-06221-5	 98.00 DM 
MEYER Multimedia - Weltgeschichte neu entdecken (WIN)	 3-411-06561-3
98.00 DM 
DUDEN Lernsofttware		
Erstes Zählen - Plus und Minus	3-411-70351-2	 49.90 DM 
Erstes Zählen - Zählen und Ordnen	3-411-70341-5	 49.90 DM 
Mathematik - Dreisatz und Prozente	3-411-06621-0	 69.00 DM 
Rechtschreibung 3./4. Klasse	3-411-06611-3	 69.00 DM 
Diktat 3./4. Klasse	3-411-06601-6	 49.90 DM 
Der Brockhaus in Text und Bild *	3-411-70671-6	 149.00 DM 
DUDEN - Das Fremdwörterbuch (Version 2.0 WIN/MAC)	 3-411-06572-9
78.00 DM 
DUDEN - Das Bildwörterbuch  (Version 2.0 WIN/MAC)	3-411-06501-x
78.00 DM 
DUDEN - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung (Version 2.0 WIN/MAC)
3-411-06702-0	 78.00 DM 
DUDEN - Die sinn- und sachverwandten Wörter (Version 2.0 WIN/MAC)
3-411-06452-8	 78.00 DM 
DUDEN - Deutsches Universalwörterbuch (Version 2.0 WIN/MAC)
3-411-05479-4	 98.00 DM 
DUDEN - Richtiges und gutes Deutsch	3-411-06795-0	 78.00 DM 
PC-BIB-Update 2.0	 3-411-06662-8	 29.90 DM 
* Voraussichtlicher Erscheinungstermin: Frühjahr 1999		


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