

Richard wrote:

>        Quite the contrary. As an able bodied person who speaks on the issue of
>family violence against people with disabilities, I discuss the fact that I
>am able bodied as an acknowledgement of disablity as a social/cultural
>experience that I do not share, and therefore my remarks may/will be
>lacking something.

I understand your position, and am heartened by it. However, I was talking
about primarily about writing, and I am sorry if this was not clear.
Writing is very different to face to face discussion - it depends a lot
more on the writer's intent and the reader's interpretation among other
things, as those of us whose textuality is socially created have some
insight into. And, as the current discussion shows, there is still a lot to
learn and understand about both writing and 'reading', which applies as
much to me as anyone else. That's why I emphasise the importance of
reflexivity and critical sociology, as you seem to do also in your
concluding remarks:

>        The message is twofold: becareful about what I say...something is,or
>be, missing and therefore scrutinize and challenge my remarks.
Best wishes



"To understand what I am doing, you need a third eye"


Mairian Corker
Senior Research Fellow in Deaf and Disability Studies
University of Central Lancashire

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