

A few places remain on this course - register early to avoid 


   Centre for Applied Social Survey (CASS) 
                              Supported by ESRC                      
 SHORT COURSE:  Survey Data Analysis II
                                 Presented  by Pam Campanelli 
                                  and  Nyovani Madise

                                Dates: 27-29 January 1999
                         Venue: University of Southampton


The course will introduce participants to the use of statistical 
modelling to study inter-relationships between variables.  The 
objectives of the course are:

 a) to develop a practical understanding of the basic statistical 
principles and methods of modelling relationships between variables. 

b) to develop an understanding of assumptions behind the models, 
the impact of violations, how violations can be diagnosed, and 
possible solutions.

c) to enable participants to employ appropriate methods in analysing
their data.

The course will include the following topics: Covariance and 
correlation, multiple regression, impact of violation of model 
assumptions and possible solutions, model selection, and logistic 
regression.  The course will have a strong practical emphasis, with 
regular sessions on computers enabling participants to work through 
examples in SPSS for Windows.

Target Audience:

The course is aimed at researchers who need to perform basic
statistical analyses on data from sample surveys, especially those in
the social, economic, educational and medical sciences.  Participants
are expected to have a basic knowledge of  statistics such as 
descriptive statistics and the concept of hypothesis testing.

Course Materials:

Participants will receive course notes and a reading list.

The Instructors:
Pam Campanelli is an independent consultant.  Previously she was a
Research Director at the Survey Methods Centre of SCPR.  She
specialises in research on survey instruments, data collection and
interviewing techniques and regularly teaches in this area.  

Nyovani Madise  is the CASS Lecturer in the Social Statistics
Department at the University of Southampton.  She specialises in the
statistical analysis of large survey data from developing countries
and teaches courses on multivariate data analysis and generalised 
linear models. 

stlg350 (includes course materials, lunches and morning and afternoon
tea).  Because of ESRC support, a number of bursaries are available
which reduce the fee to stlg75 - applicants must be full-time students,
UK academic staff or ESRC-funded researchers.  

Registration forms and further details are available from 
 Rebecca Bundock
 Department of Social Statistics
 University of Southampton
 Southampton  SO17 1BJ
Fax: 01703 593846 
Tel: 01703 593048 
E-mail: [log in to unmask])

Registration forms and further details may also be downloaded from

CASS is an ESRC Resource Centre hosted by SCPR and the University of
Southampton, with the University of Surrey

