

Stephen Emmott wrote:

> Within the context of the WWW, how do we ensure that templates can be
> distributed without them being altered en-route/ in use?

Dreamweaver 2 allows you to create an HTML page, save it as a template and
then mark certain areas as 'editable', meaning that button bars, logos,
headers, footers (or whatever) are left intact and non-editable. Users
create a new page based on the template and can only edit the page within
the 'editable' areas. Only thing then is to buy a copy for everyone who's
going to edit a page, which means they can alter and create their own

Ian Usher, Computer Support & Webmonger   [w] 
Department of Geography,                [e] [log in to unmask] 
University College London, Chandler House, [t] +44 (0)171 504 4290 
2 Wakefield St., London, WC1N 1PG, U.K.    [f] +44 (0)171 504 4293 
