

Helen Setchell said ...

> As for writing for a particular browser, this is just something we have to
> live with.  I would suggest that you write 'optimised for xxx' or 'best
> viewed with xxx' which is a way of saying to the surfer 'this page may look
> a bit crummy in your browser, blame the hardware and software developers for
> competing against each other and making life difficult for all of us'.

While I agree with most of what Helen says about identifying audiences
etc., I differ with this last point. When I see "optimised for ..." or
"Best viewed with .." I translate as "couldn't be bothered to sort it
out". Granted there are cases when a service can be provided in one way
only - but I would suggest these are pretty rare, and a lot less common
than the "optimised for ..." statements would have you believe. One of
the "challenges" of designing websites is to transcend the obstacles the
software developers throw at us - after all, we are better than them
aren't we :)



Colin K. Work
Computing Services
University of Southampton

email [log in to unmask]
tel.  01703 593090 (direct line)
