

Here is the little spiel I have put up on our site (in a protected directory
- sorry!) about search engines.  I hope it's of interest.


If you would like to have your page indexed by external search engines,
consider carefully the keywords which people will type into a search engine
to find you; make good use of the TITLE tag, DESCRIPTION tag, and KEYWORDS
tags, and make sure that the words used in these match closely with the body
text of the page (especially the first couple of paragraphs). Bear in mind
that it's the ratio of the keywords in your body text that pushes you up the
ratings in search results, and whether the same keywords are used for the
title, description, and keywords.
Don't 'spam the meta' by repeating your keywords in the KEYWORDS tag, as
some search engines will ignore your site for this.
Consider manually submitting your site to the search engines. AltaVista and
HotBot (unlike Yahoo, which is an index database rather than a true search
engine) send 'spiders' out across the Internet to index you automatically,
but it is still worth submitting your site - experts now think that the rate
of increase of information on the Internet easily outstrips the indexing
capabilities of even the biggest earch engines. You can use software to
submit your sites to all the major search engines (you will find freeware
which suits you on the Internet) and remember to resubmit if your site
Search engines, both internal and external, will add all pages on the web
servers to their indexes. Always make sure that you remove old or test files
off the web servers (or place them in restricted directories) so that people
linking from search sites can't get hold of this information.
As regards frames, search engines which have indexed your site can end up
linking users through to only one of your frames, completely out of context
unless you make sure you include the code <META NAME="robots"
CONTENT="noindex"> in the HEAD section of your HTML code (you can also
include ,nofollow after noindex, so that search enines don't follow links
off that page either).
