

 Sorry to insist on that issue, but there seem to be a controversy around the method to calculate the cut-off period in fMRI studies. Lets take a paradigm in which A, B are active tasks (7 scans), N being a neutral task (7 scans) and r being the rest period (3 scans). One scans last 5.8 seconds. Subjects will be exposed to rArBrNrArBrN (notice that ABN order, called the experimental period,  is repeated twice). There are 3 methods that have been suggested to me.
1) Take the longest on-off cycle (rest + task): 2 * (3+7) * 5.8 seconds = 116
2) Take the longest on-off cycle used in the substraction (task + neutral): 2 * ( 7+7) * 5.8 = 162.4
3) Take the repeated experimental period ( in this case it is r+ A+B+N): 2 * (3+7+7+7) * 5.8 seconds = 278.
In our case, we ARE NOT using the rest period. We are doing A-N and B-N. Is the method 2 more appropriate?
Even if method 1 is still recommended, what's the origin of those alternative methods? What's the rational behind them?
Claude Breault Ph.D.