

Dear Jorge,

I think that if you run a log directly in the command window, you can simply hit the 'enter' key during the globals calculation, and the pgm will begin the estimation directly after  (because "now" is the default response).  At least, it works on my Sun station...

With my bests,


In this case, if you    At 16:39 05/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear SPMers,
>the question of whether the estimation of the parameters should be carried
>out "now" or "later" in spm99b comes AFTER spm calculates the globals (if
>required). Is there a reason for this? Sometimes, for large data sets, one
>may like to say "now" straight away without having to wait until the
>global calculations are finished.
>Thanks in advance,
>Jorge Jovicich, Dr. rer. nat.
>Dept. of Neurology  	    |  Computation and Neuronal Systems
>Harbor-UCLA Medical Center  |  California Institute of Technology
>1124 W Carson St. B-4       |  1200 E California Blv., BI 139-74         
>Torrance, CA 90502, USA	    |  Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
>310-222-5656/7              |  626-395-2882  
>310-222-5658 (fax)	    |  626-796-8876 (fax)   
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PEIGNEUX Philippe, Lic. Psych., Chercheur

E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Cyclotron Research Centre 
Neurology Unit & Neuropsychology Department
Liege University	BELGIUM  

