

Hello SPMers,

I am having difficulties normalizing some fMRI data. The images were
acquired on a GE scanner. When i normalize the data, a large chunk of the
images, in the three planes, disappears. On the normalization report, a
large part of the posterior pole is absent. I have run the data using
another software (stimulate) and the data seem allright...

Someone told me to crop the images before using SPM to solve the problem.
Now i get an error message similar to this one (which i  copied from
someone else's message

Can someone help me?

thank you,

Hugo Theoret

>> smoothing.. ..done
iteration: 1 chi2: 0.0386532

Warning: Divide by zero

Warning: Divide by zero
iteration: 2 chi2: 0
??? Error using ==> svd
NaN and Inf not allowed.

Error in ==> /export/home/matlab4_2/toolbox/matlab/matfun/pinv.m
On line 14 ==> [U,S,V] = svd(A,0);

Error in ==> /export/home/spm96/spm_affsub2.m
On line 103 ==> P(qq) = P(qq) + pinv(reshape(alpha(qqq), nf,

Error in ==> /export/home/spm96/spm_sn3d.m
On line 683 ==> p1 = spm_affsub2(VG,VF, mg,mf, 1,8,

Error in ==> /export/home/spm96/spm_sn3d.m
On line 430 ==> 
spm_sn3d(P,matname,bb,Vox,[nbasis iterations 8

??? Error while evaluating callback string.


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