

0000,0000,00FF" Electronic and structural dynamics of light-induced processes in bacteriorhodopsin " University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 9-10 April 1999 Chairmen: M. Chergui and S. Haacke 0000,0000,00FF Times_New_RomanRecent progress in protein synthesis and spectroscopy is a strong motivation for a workshop focusing on bacteriorhodopsin and its mutants. The central subject of the workshop is the relation between structure and photosensitive functions of the BR protein, with special emphasis on the dynamics, both from the experimental and theoretical point of view. Addressing a specific community and a well-defined topic, the workshop will allow for a very informal and direct exchange of information and ideas. Topics to be covered include BR synthesis and mutagenesis, X-ray diffraction, steady-state and ultrafast spectroscopy, as well as theoretical modelling. Workshop Program Thrusday April 8, 1999: Registration and get together at the Bâtiment de Biologie, Université de Lausanne (see below and 0000,0000,00FF for venue) Friday, April 9, 1999. Morning: Synthesis and Structure E. Landau (Biozentrum, Basel): Crystallization in Cubo: General applicability to membrane proteins Times_New_RomanL.O. Essen (MPI-Munich)Times_New_Roman: Lipid micropatches in oligomeric membrane proteins: X-ray structure of the bacteriorhodopsin-lipid complex. M. Sheves (Rehovot, Israel): Times_New_RomanLight-induced reactions occur in bacteriorhodopsin with C13 = C14 non-isomerizable artificial pigments. E. Pebay - Peyroula (IBS-Grenoble): Times_New_RomanStructure of bacteriorhodopsin to 2.2 Ang resolution. R. Henderson (MRC-Cambridge): Times_New_RomanTitle to be announced Times_New_RomanFriday, April 9, 1999. Afternoon: Structural Dynamics F. Schotte (ESRF-Grenoble): Times_New_RomanStroboscopic X-ray diffraction on Purple Membrane. R. Neutze (Uppsala): Times_New_RomanTrapping bacteriorhodopsin's photo-intermediates within crystals K. Schulten (Urbana, USA): Times_New_RomanTitle to be announced Ch. Bressler (Lausanne & PSI): Times_New_RomanImplementing time-resoved X-ray absorption to probe structural dynamics in biological systems Times_New_RomanSaturday April 10, 1999. Morning: Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure G.H. Atkinson (Tucson, USA): Times_New_RomanVibrational Spectra of Intermediates in Biophysical Reactions: Picosecond Time-Resolved Coherent Raman Spectroscopy G. Büldt (Jülich): Times_New_RomanStructural changes between intermediate states of bacteriorhodopsin E. Bamberg (Frankfurt): Times_New_RomanTitle to be announced F.Buda (Amsterdam, NL): Times_New_RomanA Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics investigation of the primary photochemical event in vision. Times_New_RomanM. Nonella (LMU-Munich): Properties of the First Excited State of Protonated Schiff Base Model Molecules Saturday April 10, 1999. Afternoon: Ultrafast Spectroscopy W. Zinth (LMU-Munich): Times_New_RomanExcited State Reaction Dynamics of Bacteriorhodopsin. M. Ottolenghi (Jerusalem): Times_New_RomanOn the Nature of the Primary Light-Induced Events in Bacteriorhodopsin: Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Native and C13=C14 Locked Pigments. Times_New_RomanP. Anfinrud (Bethesda, USA): Ultrafast time-resolved studies of retinal photoisomerization in bacteriorhodopsin. V. Sundström (Lund, Sweden): Times_New_RomanBarrierless Isomerization in Cyanine Dye Molecules - a Model for Bacteriorhodopsin Primary Isomerization? Times_New_RomanLocation: The workshop will take place at Bâtiment de Biologie of the Faculty of Sciences (University of Lausanne). Accomodation will be downtown (see below for hotel reservations). The University is reached easily within 20 min by public transportation. Lausanne is directly linked through frequent train connections with the Geneva (40 min) and Zürich (2h 45min) airports, and is also easily accessible by train from other major European cities. Venue: To come to the University from the train station: take the Metro just in fron of the station and go to Lausanne-Flon station (one stop). From there, take the TSOL train and get off at UNIL-Sorge. The Bâtiment de Biologie is at the left end of the parking in front of the station (see web page for a map). Poster contributions: Invited speakers and participants are strongly encouraged to present contributions in the form of posters. These will be posted close to the conference room and will be accessible throughout the workshop. A one-page abstract should be submitted before March, 30th 1999. All contributions are accepted without selection. Meals: They will be served at the Banana building of the University (see map on the web), in the refectory and the Restaurant de Dorigny (more expensive) on Friday, and only in the latter on Saturday. Accomodation and travel information: The approximate prices for hotels in Lausanne range from Sfr 110.- to 150.- /night for a single room. Please consult the workshop web site 0000,0000,00FF for more information and hotel registration forms. We recommend you to book your hotel via us, as the University benefits from special rates. Registration fees: The registration fee will be Sfr 150,- including attendance at the workshop, workshop dinner, and coffee breaks. In order to avoid extra bank charges, we recommend you to pay upon arrival at the registration desk. A receipt will then be delivered by the organisers. Registration and deadlines: The attached registration form should be copied to your e-mail answer and sent with your payment before 00FF,0000,0000March 15th, 1999 to 00FF,0000,0000[log in to unmask] or 0000,0000,00FF[log in to unmask] Times_New_RomanFurther Information from Times_New_Roman00FF,0000,0000 or Sandrine Massonnet, secretary Institut de Physique de la Matière Condensee, Faculte des Sciences, BSP Universite de Lausanne, Ch-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland tel.: xx-41-21-692 3625, Fax.:xx-41-21-692 3635 or 3605 Times_New_Roman-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name and first name: ................................................... Professional title: ................................................... Institution, Affiliation: ............................................................... ............................................................... Phone: ................................ Fax: ................................ Do you plan to attend the workshop: Yes No Do you plan to contribute with a poster: Yes No If yes, Poster title: .............................................. I will be accompanied by ....... persons. Please leave your e-mail signature at the end of your mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaipersons: Prof. Majed CHERGUI Institut de Physique de la Matière condensée, Faculte des Sciences, BSP Universite de Lausanne, Ch-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland tel.: xx-41-21-692 3678 (direct), (21) 692 3660/3625 (secr.) Fax.:xx-41-21-692 3635 or 3605 email: [log in to unmask] Dr Stefan Haacke Institut de Micro- et Optoelectronique Departement de Physique Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Ch-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland tel: xx-41-21-693 3649 fax: xx-41-21-693 5480 email: [log in to unmask] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%