

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the theory of
vibrational energy transfer involving small and mid-sized molecules. A
major objective is to calculate state-to-state vibrational energy transfer
rate constants for use in understanding non-equilibrium effects in Earth's
upper atmosphere. A second major objective is to extend the calculations to
mid-size molecules with higher densities of states. A suite of theoretical
techniques will be investigated, possibly including classical trajectories,
VCC-IOS, and forced-oscillator methods. The project is a collaboration
among J. R. Barker (University of Michigan), M. G. Mlynczak (NASA/Langley),
and L. L. Lohr (University of Michigan). The position is available
immediately (at the University of Michigan) and is for one year with
extensions (by mutual agreement) for two more years. The annual salary will
be  $31K-$34K, depending on experience and qualifications. Preference will
be given to applicants with a strong background in semi-classical and/or
quantum scattering methods. Applicants should send (via e-mail or regular
post) a CV and publication list, a letter describing research interests,
and the names of two references to Prof. John R. Barker
([log in to unmask]); Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space
Sciences; The University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143.

 John R. Barker  Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, & Space Sciences
                & Department of Chemistry
 1520 Space Research Building
 University of Michigan                            Tel:  734-763-6239
 2455 Hayward Street                               Fax:  734-764-5137
 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143  (USA)                   [log in to unmask]
