

On Radio 4 on Sunday May 2nd during the afternoon there should be a half
hour slot looking at W H Auden's relationship to the North Pennines.
This will include material recorded at Leadgate/Rotherhope Mine near
Alston, Rampgill Mine Nenthead, and the old mine/railway yard at
Rookhope. Poems which should appear include Not In Baedeker, New Year
Letter and In Praise of Limestone. It is still something of a learning
curve for many folk to discover that Auden was intensely interested in
the geology, the mines and  railways of the Pennines. It was a
relationship that he remembered and reflected on until his death.

Later in the summer the North Pennines Heritage Trust at Nenthead should
publish both my own paper on Auden's Pennine Names and Alan Myers' W H
Auden and the North in one paperback. On June 12th a coach tour of Auden
on Alston Moor will leave from Nenthead Mines Visitor Centre. Bookings
for this and further information on the subject may be had via the North
Pennines Heritage Trust on 01434 382037. Ehquiries about the subject
(so, not the book or the coach tour) can come to me via email or on
01661 834511.
robert forsythe
